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A few of my favourites...




Soil and Sacrament: A Spiritual Memoir of Food and Faith, by Fred Bahnson


Conversations with Plants: The Path Back to Nature, by Nikki Darrell


The Book of Nature: A Sourcebook of Spiritual Perspectives on Nature and the Environment, by Camille Adams Helminski (ed)


Weeds: In Defence of Nature's Most Unloved Plants, by Richard Mabey


Earth Spirit Dreaming: Shamanic Ecotherapy Practices, by Elizabeth Meacham




We Are the Ark - the brainchild of Mary Reynolds (The Garden Awakening), this project aims to seed a network of places serving as havens of local biodiversity


Veriditas Hibernica - the mother website of The Plant Medicine School where I am doing my training


Prinzessinnengärten - my "home" community garden in Berlin


Emergence Magazine - explorations of the spirituality of place








And finally, some words to live by, from Imam Ali:
"People are pleased when they attain that which they couldn’t have missed, and are distraught when they miss that which they couldn’t have attained. Do not seek happiness from what comes to you of your world, nor feel sorrow for whatever you missed out on from it. Rather, let your joy be in what you have brought forth, and let your sorrow be in what you have withheld."

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